Pin Loom Weaving
Nearly forgotten for many years, pin looms are making a comeback. Try out this addictive, portable craft and see why! These books are a great place to start with this craft, with step-by-step wrapping and weaving directions, information on where to buy pin looms and the other tools you'll need, instructions for making your own pin loom, and different weaving patterns you can use on your loom.
Book with Horse (Pin Loom Weaving): You will find 40 appealing projects for ways to use the little woven squares in colorful, creative bags, blankets, decorative items, soft toys, and more.
Book with Purse Pin Loom Weaving to Go): This sequel to the first book presents step-by-step instructions for 30 projects.
Oversize Projects on a Pin Loom: This book was cosponsored by Malabrigo Yarn and Schacht Spindle Company.
- Instructions on how to weave on a 4x4" pin loom
- 10 big step-by-step projects to try—ponchos, shawls, and even sweaters—all fully illustrated and written out
- 20 stitch patterns to try
- Tips for designing your own garments, combining colors, and trying different types of fibers